Good Neighbors Stay Informed. Great Neighbors Get Involved.


We all love our neighborhood, but what excites you about living here? We need that energy to keep our neighborhood a great place to live, work, and play.

We are looking for people who have an interest in being a part of the solution by helping us maintain, monitor, and beautify our neighborhood. Is that you?

So, What Are The Benefits?

  1. The satisfaction of giving back: Spend as little as an hour a week but you choose how much time you can offer.
  2. Do something you already love to do: You are offering a skill you already use in your work or one that is a hobby and just allowing us to tap into it.
  3. Challenge yourself by learning a new skill: If you want to stretch your abilities and learn a new skill or hone an existing one, this is a great, safe environment to do it.
  4. Choose a project that you want to do: Choose something to work on that you are passionate about or brings you joy. Check out What We Are Looking For on this page for things we need help with.
  5. You choose when you volunteer your time: Most responsibilities are done on your schedule when you have time to commit to it.
  6. Meet that way that is most convenient for you: Most committees communicate via email but when a meeting is needed, they can meet in person or by video conferencing.

What We Are Looking For

Designing Graphics/Brochures
Posting to Social Media
Securing Advertising for Our Events/E-Blast
Property Owner Assistance
Monitoring different City Agendas
Volunteering for an Event
Keeping our Books Straight
Keeping our Records Straight
Updating our Website
Reaching Out to Businesses or Members
Beautifying our Neighborhood
Protecting our Quality of Life
Responsible Land Use
Board Members and Committee Leads

Or Let Us Know What Interests You!

What Is The Time Commitment?

That depends on you and what you can give, however, whatever it is we want it to bring you joy. What's the point of volunteering if you aren't having fun?

Ideally, what you are offering is a skill you already use in your work or one that is a hobby and just allowing us to tap into it. Or maybe you want to stretch your abilities and learn a new one.

Regardless, most responsibilities are done on your schedule and most committees communicate via email but when a meeting is needed, they can meet in person or by video conferencing.

Think about it and let's discuss how it could work! Contact us at

Good Neighbor Stay Informed. Great Neighbors Get Involved.

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