Good Neighbors Stay Informed. Great Neighbors Get Involved.

Let's Work Together To Make Marigny Green

Sidewalk Trees Project

Did you know...
  • New Orleans has the worst urban heat effect in the entire U.S. — it can be 9° hotter in New Orleans than the surrounding suburbs due to our limited tree canopy.
  • The Marigny has a measly 7% tree canopy, one of the city’s lowest. For reference, the *entire* city of Atlanta has 50% tree canopy, even New York City has 23%. 
  • New Orleans lost ~30% of its tree canopy in Katrina?
  • Most of the Marigny does not have unpaved "planting strips" (the space between the sidewalk and the street) like many other neighborhoods across New Orleans? It makes tree planting ~5x more expensive due to concrete removal and overhead logistics.

What can we do...

  • By securing grants to plant trees we do out part in lowering the urban heat effect while beautifying the neighborhood. 

How you can help...

  • Get a tree planted in front of my house if you do not already have one.
  • Volunteer to help remove concrete, dig holes and plant trees
  • Volunteer with outreach and awareness
  • Donate to the cause to help us plant more trees

Where to start...

  • Simply fill out the Form if you want a tree or can volunteer
  • SImply click HERE to donate to help fund the cause

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